Category: Frontier’s Band

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Frontier’s Beautiful Family

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a closer look at Frontier’s band. Included in these photos is an updated photo of Frontier’s newest son, Flyer out of mare Firefly. It is so nice to see them back with this handsome guy. I hope it stays this way

Frontier Gets His Band Back

Hello everyone! Here is an exciting update from the Park as 2012 Stallion, Frontier has taken back his band. For those who may not know the story, Frontier lost his entire band to his half-brother Flax in the fall of 2020. This included mares Smokie and Firefly as well as, Frontier’s three daughters Patience, Anuk,…
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Firefly and Flyer

Hello everyone! Last May I was walking back to my car from a late afternoon hike and was blessed with a surprise from Mare Firefly. Right across the street from where I had parked was Firefly and her new filly Bluff. Almost one year later, Firefly surprised me once again! I was on my way…
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A Summer Look at Frontier’s Band

Hello everyone! I am a little late with this but today I finally have for you a look at the rest of Frontier’s band. If you missed the update on his two girls, Anuk and Bluff, be sure to scroll back. He currently has two mares, Smokie and Firefly along with two-year-old Patience, yearling Anuk,…
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Bluff and Anuk

Hello everyone! I spent a nice visit with Frontier and his band this week. His young filly Bluff has changed a little in color and has grown a lot. She will be three months old next week. I will never forget the night I was hiking back to my car and found her tucked behind…
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Fun Friday Part 7

Hello everyone! It is Friday and time for another ‘Fun Friday’ post. Today’s post is going to be all about the girls of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I will write under each photo to give you a little more detail on each of these beauties. Enjoy and have a great weekend!