Hello everyone! Here is a look at a beautiful girl I have not shared in a while. This is the 2022 Filly, Honey out of Mare Bee. She and her mother continue to run in Casper’s (Nicols) band. Honey has been a good playmate for the young Tawny, the only foal born into the band…
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Hello everyone! The weather is warming up here and melting most of our snow. So, for today’s post, I decided to do one last winter-themed ‘Fun Friday.’ All the photos below were taken over the past few months. Enjoy this look at some of our beautiful horses inside the park, and have a great weekend!…
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Hello everyone! Well, we finally got some snow in the park. While out checking horses this afternoon I got to have a quick visit with stallion Cagney (Hep). He was by himself today, so we will have to figure out where his former girl Patches has gone off to. In the meantime, enjoy this look…
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Hello everyone! Today, we will look at the young colt in Remington’s band, Winchester, and his baby sister, Willow. They are both gorgeous foals out of Mare Democracy. Winchester is four this year but has been allowed to stay in the band so far. He is smaller in size, and Remington may not feel he…
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Hello everyone! For this Monday post, we will take a look at the 2020 Mare, Pixie (Bogue) of Wildrye’s band. She is the 2020 filly out of the late mare Stormy and stallion Ollie Jr. She is the perfect combination of the two of them when it comes to her gorgeous looks. In May of…
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