Category: Applewood’s Band

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Fun Friday Part 34

Hello everyone! Today, I thought we would have our first summer-themed “Fun Friday!” The photos below were taken in June and July and include several of the beautiful horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I always like to add something special as the last photo so be sure to scroll through. Have a great weekend!

Grandma Pretty Girl

Hello everyone! The last time I shared Applewood and his band, I mentioned that 2003 Mare, Pretty Girl had recently been walking with the band. She decided it was a good fit and is still with them today. There are two things I love about her being with this band. First, she is back with…
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Applewood’s Gang

Hello everyone! Today, we will take a look at Applewood and his band. He continues to hold mare Birch and her filly Aspen. Mare Frosty and her colt Cody have also been with the band for several months. They also recently had visits from another former Red Face mare, Pretty Girl, but time will tell…
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Snowy Morning With Frosty and Cody

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend! As promised, here is a closer look at 1999 Mare, Frosty, and her 2021 Colt, Cody, by the late stallion Red Face. They have moved around a lot over the past year but always stayed together. When sitting with Cody, you cannot help but notice…
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Checking on Applewood’s Band

Hello everyone! It was a busy week in the park, with some added snow to brighten things up. You may remember when I shared with you at the beginning of February that Applewood had picked up mare Birch and her filly Aspen. At that time, he had been holding them off and on throughout the…
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New Band Stallion Applewood

Hello everyone! I need to take a brief break from sharing the rest of Frontier’s band to share a new band update with you all. This is 2019 Stallion, Applewood, out of the late mare Stormy by stallion Ollie Jr. He usually runs with the small group of bachelors on the park’s east side. However,…
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