Category: Bachelors

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Amite and Bart

Hello everyone! As I mentioned, the young bachelors are out and about causing trouble. They also fight with each other on random occasions. On this particular day, Bart was trying to put the newcomer to the group, Amite, in his place. It did not amount to much, but practice never hurts. Below is a look…
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Banty and Amite Become Friends

Hello everyone! With the new foals in the park, the bachelors have been very interested in the mares and have started to run around causing trouble. Recently, some friends and I were checking on the first foal, Chloe, and the rest of Gunner’s band. Nearby was stallion Amite, formerly of Xander’s band. He became a…
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Hello everyone! While leaving the park last week, my friend Carol and I came across one of the other bachelor boys in the park. This is 2019 Stallion, Apex out of mare Ruby by stallion Teton. He was alone on this day, but he has been known to run with the other bachelors from time…
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More of the Bachelors

Hello everyone! Today, we will look at a few more bachelors running together in the park. These good-looking boys are 2020 Stallion, Banty, 2019 Stallion, Arey, and 2020 Stallion, Bart. These three can usually be found with stallions Aloe and Anzar, whom I shared with you in previous posts. They made the park more interesting…
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Finding Coal

Hello everyone! Today was a fantastic day! For almost four months, this handsome guy, 2005 Former Band Stallion, Coal, has been tucked away somewhere out of sight. He had lost his last mare to his son Amantes last fall and was not showing signs of wanting to continue the battle. The last evening we saw…
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Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a nice weekend. We have finally had some nice weather, so I could get out and hike. Just before sunset yesterday, I went looking for former band stallion Buster (Illinois). He had shown himself earlier in the day, so I had an idea where to head. After…
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