Stirring Things Up on the Prairie

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Stirring Things Up on the Prairie

Hello everyone! Yesterday was an incredible day to be in the park and to think I almost didn’t go! I hiked out looking for a couple of different bands and was lucky to find them all in one place. While photographing Thunder, I noticed him staring at something behind me. I turned to see stallion Gunner standing on the hill watching all of the horses. He was alone and his presence immediately upset both Thunder and Ollie who was also close by. The two of them quickly advanced on Gunner. Thunder got there first and just judged him a few times. Once Ollie joined in, Thunder let the younger stallion take over and went back to his girls. Ollie and Gunner had quite the encounter that went on for a good five minutes and that was just the first fight! Gunner was in the area for about an hour before retreating to the trees and his mare Perdita but boy did he stir things up on the prairie during that short time. I have a ton of photos that I will share next but for now here are a few of the highlights from his fights with Ollie, Red Face, and Copper. Enjoy and stay tuned!

2001 Band Stallion, Red Face – He may be a 19-year-old stallion but he can still take on the young ones!


2002 Band Stallion, Copper – He actually chose to start something with Gunner. I think Gunner wasn’t leaving the area fast enough for his liking.


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