Tag: stallions

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Bachelor Boys

Hello everyone! Tonight, we are going to take a look at a few more of the bachelor boys running inside the park. These boys are seen together from time to time. Amite will oftentimes go off on his own in the warmer months but likes to find the boys in the winter. Bart has been…
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Fun Friday Part 34

Hello everyone! Today, I thought we would have our first summer-themed “Fun Friday!” The photos below were taken in June and July and include several of the beautiful horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I always like to add something special as the last photo so be sure to scroll through. Have a great weekend!

Goofy Brothers

Hello everyone! I apologize for the brief silence on this page. My life got a little crazy, and some other stuff had to come first. I have been in the park the past couple of days playing catch-up. So much is happening this spring. I will do my best to share it with you all.…
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New Bachelor Beau

Hello everyone! Along with the new foals in the park, we have also had some other changes. That includes adding one more bachelor to the mix. Beau, the 2021 colt out of Pretty Girl, is now running with the young bachelors often seen on the park’s east side. He and his mother have been moving…
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Checking on Applewood’s Band

Hello everyone! It was a busy week in the park, with some added snow to brighten things up. You may remember when I shared with you at the beginning of February that Applewood had picked up mare Birch and her filly Aspen. At that time, he had been holding them off and on throughout the…
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More of the Bachelors

Hello everyone! Today, we will look at a few more bachelors running together in the park. These good-looking boys are 2020 Stallion, Banty, 2019 Stallion, Arey, and 2020 Stallion, Bart. These three can usually be found with stallions Aloe and Anzar, whom I shared with you in previous posts. They made the park more interesting…
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