Category: Xander’s Band

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Checking on Boomer

Hello everyone! Several of you have asked for an updated look at Boomer. Yesterday, I happened to be near the band, so I stopped and grabbed a few photos of him to share with you today. With his older brother Amite now a bachelor, he spent most of his time hanging near yearling filly Bluebell.…
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Momma Bella Saves the Day

Hello everyone! Today, we will look at a fun story about family in the park. One afternoon, I was sitting with Xander and Sidekick. The young stallion, Chance of Sidekick’s band, decided to walk over and start something with Xander. They will do this occasionally to practice fighting and learn how to become a band…
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A Look at Taylor

Hello everyone! Here is a look at a lovely lady I have not shared in a while. This is 2014 Mare, Taylor out of Mare Spotted Blue by the late stallion Copper. She is currently in Xander’s band with her dam. Enjoy this look at Taylor, and have a nice weekend!

Xander in the Snow

Hello everyone! We talk about Boomer and Amite all the time, so I decided to look at their big brother today. Here is a look at the handsome stallion Xander last month during our brief period with snow. He has grown into quite the impressive band stallion. Enjoy, and have a wonderful week!

Bluebell and Misty Blue

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful week so far. Today, I wanted to give you an updated look at another one of our 2023 foals. This darling is Bluebell out of Mare Misty Blue. This was the first foal for Misty Blue and she has done a fantastic job. Both girls…
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Thanksgiving With Boomer

Hello everyone! Here is a look at fan favorite Boomer for your Thanksgiving holiday. He is doing well and continues to run with Amite in Xander’s band. The comment period ends Friday, so be sure to get those final comments in to the park. Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on…
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