Category: Xander’s Band

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Fun Friday Part 31

Hello everyone! Tomorrow is the first day of fall, so I thought we would have one last summer-themed “Fun Friday.” Each of the photos below were taken during the past few months. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Ready for Their Close-Up

Hello everyone! Tonight, we will take a closer look at a few of the faces of the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd with some close-up shots. These gorgeous mares and one adorable filly are just a few examples of the amazing horses that make up this herd. Enjoy and have a great night!

Family Portrait

Hello everyone! Here is a look at Xander’s band napping together on a hillside to help you through your midweek slump. Have a great night! (l to r) Spotted Blue, Boomer, Amite (Taylor is behind them), Winter, Pale Lady, Angel (behind them out of frame are Misty Blue and Bluebell), Blue Angel, and Xander

Fun Friday Part 30

Hello everyone! It is time once again for “Fun Friday!” Today’s post includes photos taken this summer and a mix of several different bands. There is also something extra at the end, so be sure to scroll through. Have a wonderful weekend!

Boomer vs Cadet

Hello everyone! Recently while out with the horses, I had the opportunity to witness these two play fight for quite some time. Colts Boomer of Xander’s band, and Cadet of Arrowhead’s band, were near one another one afternoon and put on quite a show. Neither one of them seemed to want to give up. The…
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Bluebell and Brandy

Hello everyone! As promised, we are continuing with the new foals today. These two adorable fillies were born on the same cold and windy morning. The first filly is Bluebell out of Mare Misty Blue of Xander’s band. The second filly is Brandy out of Mare Sumac in Half Moon’s band. Both girls are doing…
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