Month: October 2021

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Weekend Look at Sidekick’s Band

Happy Sunday, everyone! I hope you are enjoying the rest of your weekend. Here is a look at Sidekick’s gorgeous band to help end your Sunday night. Enjoy!

Buddies For Now

Hello everyone! These two handsome boys are 2019 bachelors, Applewood (left) and Alluvium. If you visited the Park this summer, there is a good chance you saw these two. They were alone for a short time exploring the Park but now are walking with stallion Trooper. Someday a girl will likely come between these two,…
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Ryely and His Sisters

Hello everyone! One afternoon, I spent time with Little Gray and her two foals, yearling Pippi and new 2021 Colt, Ryely, when Wildrye walked over. He first stopped to sniff his new colt and then gently moved him forward so he could move closer to Little Gray. While he is wooing Little Gray, Ryely moves…
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Fall Beauties

Hope you all are having a relaxing weekend like Teton’s band! (Front to back: Bee, Apex, Tess, and Indian Paintbrush)

Three Amigos of Grady’s Band

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at the rest of the youngsters of Grady’s band. Arcola is the 2019 Colt out of Gigi, Bonnet is his younger sister, and Blazo is the 2020 Colt out of Trouble’s Girl by Wildrye. These three sure seem fond of one another. Enjoy and have a…
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Sisterly Love – Pippie and Lorelye

Happy Sunday, everyone! Here are two beauties in Wildrye’s band I wanted to share with you today. 2020 Fillies, Pippi (Little Gray x Wildrye) and Lorelye (Lorena x Wildrye) Enjoy the rest of your weekend!