Wild Horse Blog

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Mix-ups With Coal

Hello everyone! Today I have a two-for-one update to share. A lot has happened in Coal’s band over the past two weeks. One afternoon, Coal showed up alone without his band. Cloud, Bokel, and Blazo were in the area but not with Coal. Over the next few days, we saw Amantes try and defend his…
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Patience and Harmony

Hello everyone! It is #foalfriday, and today we have a new foal to share with you. Mare Patience of Flax’s band recently gave birth to a filly named Harmony. This is the first foal for Patience, and she is adorable. Please welcome another wonderful filly to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd!

Cody and Black Hawk

Hello everyone! These two young boys, Cody and Black Hawk, are currently in Gunner’s band. Usually, Cody sticks with Frosty and does not cause many problems. Black Hawk, however, likes to pick fights. On this night, he picked one with Cody, and it lasted a good while until Frosty caught on and ended it. Below…
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Weekend Look at Cagney’s Band

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the handsome band stallion Cagney and his small band. He picked up Mare Dolly and her girls, Starlet and Summer, from Flax at the beginning of the year and, surprisingly, has kept them. Enjoy this look at his band, and have a great weekend! (l to r) Dolly,…
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Boomer vs Cadet

Hello everyone! Recently while out with the horses, I had the opportunity to witness these two play fight for quite some time. Colts Boomer of Xander’s band, and Cadet of Arrowhead’s band, were near one another one afternoon and put on quite a show. Neither one of them seemed to want to give up. The…
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Flax vs the Bachelors

Hello everyone! One afternoon while the horses were all gathered in the same area, Flax did not like the eight extra boys running around his band. He attempted to push all of them but focused on Aloe. Once he got away, Flax singled out Bart and chased him hard. Bart got in a few good…
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