Category: Apex’s Band

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A Look at Apex

Hello everyone, and Happy 2025! I hope the year has been good for you so far. Today, I wanted to take a quick look at the very handsome band stallion Apex. He is the 2019 colt out of Mare Ruby by Stallion Teton. Last year was a good year for the young stallion Apex. He…
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Fun Friday Part 37

Hello everyone! It’s time for another ‘Fun Friday’ post. For those new to the page, occasionally, on Friday, I will post a group of photos featuring different horses from the herd. If possible, they will have a common theme. Today, I wanted to share some of the photos from this fall that I did not…
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Apex’s New Band

Hello everyone! As I mentioned in a previous post, the young stallion Apex has started to build a small band this summer. He first picked up mare Tess after she was removed from Teton’s band. He then added filly Sienna, formerly of Half Moon’s band. Sienna suffered an injury that resulted in her being separated…
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Fun Friday Part 34

Hello everyone! Today, I thought we would have our first summer-themed “Fun Friday!” The photos below were taken in June and July and include several of the beautiful horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I always like to add something special as the last photo so be sure to scroll through. Have a great weekend!