Category: Flax’s Band

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TRNP Wild Horse Outtakes Part 4

Good morning everyone! In past years, on this day, I have shared a post of photos I found amusing that were taken in the park. The collection consisted of new and old photos that I hoped would bring a smile to your face. I missed last year, but I always enjoy sharing this post with…
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Spring Look at Flax’s Band

Hello everyone! Earlier, we looked at two of Flax’s mares, Amargo and Mae. There was a request for a closer look at Flax, so today, we will look at him and the rest of his gorgeous band. Harmony is changing so fast; the new addition, Bess, seems to fit in nicely, and the big, beautiful…
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A Special Bond

Hello everyone! Tonight, we look at two beautiful mares in Flax’s band, Mae and Amargo. These two have been close since Amargo was very young. Often, you would see Amargo by Mae’s side instead of her mother’s. Their special bond has only grown over the years and has been a blessing to witness firsthand. Enjoy…
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Stallion Flax

Hello everyone! Tonight, I thought you all might enjoy a look at Flax. His band has moved around a lot over the past year, and sitting with him is more challenging than it used to be. I was lucky to come across his band about a week ago and had a nice, quick visit with…
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A Few of Flax’s Beauties

Hello everyone! Yesterday was a beautiful day in the park with the bonus of extra daylight. I was fortunate to spend part of the day with Flax and his band. They have done well this winter, and Flax even managed to pick up Mare Bess, the 4-year-old out of Autumn x Ollie Jr, not too…
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Commenting For the Horses

Today is the last day to comment on behalf of the wild horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park in Medora, ND! Please comment and be the voice for all the horses inside the park, including Flax and his family. Thank you to all who have commented already. It is so very much appreciated. Comment to…
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