Category: Teton’s Band

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Winter Day With Teton

Hello everyone! It is finally warming up here and melting a lot of our snow. Hopefully, our below-zero temperatures are gone for a while. Last month, I came across Teton’s band at Skyline Vista, one of the shorter trails and viewpoints in the park. They had come up to eat the weeds along the sidewalk.…
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Teton’s Band

Hello everyone! Today, we are going to take a look at a band I last shared a while ago, 2010 Band Stallion, Teton. He and his band have moved to a new area of the park but still have Casper’s band following them from time to time. Everyone appears to be doing well, and the…
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Fun Friday Part 37

Hello everyone! It’s time for another ‘Fun Friday’ post. For those new to the page, occasionally, on Friday, I will post a group of photos featuring different horses from the herd. If possible, they will have a common theme. Today, I wanted to share some of the photos from this fall that I did not…
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TRNP Wild Horse Outtakes Part 4

Good morning everyone! In past years, on this day, I have shared a post of photos I found amusing that were taken in the park. The collection consisted of new and old photos that I hoped would bring a smile to your face. I missed last year, but I always enjoy sharing this post with…
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Teton By the River

Hello everyone! Today, I wanted to look closer at Teton and his band. The youngsters in his band have changed quite a bit. Titan was allowed to stay at two years old while his brother Shooter was pushed out and is now running with Cloud. Last year’s foals, Trinity and Monet, are not so little…
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Shay’s Tail Trap

Hello everyone! One evening, I came across Teton’s band near the park boundary. I went in to grab a few photos of the young colt Tucker and his momma Shay. While there, Shay demonstrated that one surefire way to keep your foal close by is to trap him in your tail. Little Tucker temporarily got…
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