Category: Wild Horses of TRNP

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Fun Friday Part 38

Hello everyone! I apologize for the silence. Some family stuff has come up, so I may be off and on this page for a couple of weeks. However, today, we are going to have a year-end-themed ‘Fun Friday.’ Below is a look at a few photos I did not have the chance to share, which…
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Fun Friday Part 37

Hello everyone! It’s time for another ‘Fun Friday’ post. For those new to the page, occasionally, on Friday, I will post a group of photos featuring different horses from the herd. If possible, they will have a common theme. Today, I wanted to share some of the photos from this fall that I did not…
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TRNP Wild Horse Outtakes Part 4

Good morning everyone! In past years, on this day, I have shared a post of photos I found amusing that were taken in the park. The collection consisted of new and old photos that I hoped would bring a smile to your face. I missed last year, but I always enjoy sharing this post with…
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Fun Friday Part 36

Hello everyone! It is time for another ‘Fun Friday!’ Today, we will look at some gorgeous families inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park, including a few more ‘cuddle’ pictures. I also added something special at the end that I saw recently in the park and wanted to share. Enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend!

Fun Friday Part 34

Hello everyone! Today, I thought we would have our first summer-themed “Fun Friday!” The photos below were taken in June and July and include several of the beautiful horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I always like to add something special as the last photo so be sure to scroll through. Have a great weekend!

Snip’s Gray

Hello everyone. Today, we need to talk about this amazing mare, 23-year-old Snip’s Gray. Until recently, she had been a long-time member of Sidekick’s band. A few things have happened with her over the past month that I would like to share with you today, as you may see her when visiting the park. So…
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