Category: Xander’s Band

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Fun Friday

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice week. I came across several photos I wanted to share so I decided to put a few together today for a ‘Friday Fun Day’ post instead of focusing on just one band. I will write under each photo so be sure to scroll through. Have a…
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A Flashy New Colt For Strawberry

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Strawberry and Thunder’s new colt. He was running around quite a bit when I sat with the band and appears to be doing well. He is a stunning colt and we are blessed to have both him and his beautiful 20-year-old mother in our TRNP herd. I…
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An Update on Thunder

Hello everyone! Yesterday was a beautiful day in the park. I spent the entire day with the horses and have the sunburn to prove it. It was great to see so many bands though and watch all the new foals play together. I have tons to share with you but first wanted to share a…
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