Category: Xander’s Band

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Fun Friday Part 19

Hello everyone and Happy Friday! We have not done a ‘Fun Friday’ in a while so I prepared one for today. With new people coming to the page, I have been asked several times if I come across other animals besides horses while out hiking in the Park. The answer is yes and I have…
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Merry Christmas 2020!

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas from Medora, ND! This year we haven’t received much snow so I have no winter wonderland photo to share with you today. However, I decided this photo might be the perfect Christmas gift for you instead. This is Boomer from this past week and unless I am seeing things, it…
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Boomer and Thunder

Good Morning everyone! Many of you asked me about Boomer over the last two days so I thought I would give you a short update on him this morning. As I promised a few of you, I did spend time with him yesterday and I am happy to report he is still doing well. He…
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Remembering Mare Strawberry

Hello everyone. This is not the post I wanted to write today and I know it is not the one you wanted to see. Many of you know that this week Chris, Gary, Janice, and I have been out searching for Strawberry. Her 2020 Colt, Boomer recently appeared with Xander’s band without her and so…
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Saga of Xander and Thunder

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at Thunder and his family. For those who have followed the Thunder/Xander saga since this spring, you know that Thunder was injured while fighting off his 2014 son, Xander back in April. Even with the injury, the 19-year-old stallion did not give up and continued to…
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Saga of Strawberry and Boomer

Hello everyone! Sorry for the delay in posting, it has been a busy week. Although it is fall, winter weather hit us in the last week and brought with it our first snow. I know many of you have been concerned for Strawberry and Boomer. After my last visit with them, they were back with…
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