Tag: medora

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Almanac and Her Momma Minnie

Hello everyone! This Monday, we will look at the 2019 Mare, Almanac, and her dam, 2016 Mare, Minnie. These two continue to run together in Flash’s (Urban) band. I have been blessed to watch both of these mares grow up, as Minnie had Almanac when she was a three-year-old. Almanac’s sire was the late, great…
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Wildrye’s Ladies

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a nice, lazy weekend. Here is a look at some of the lovely ladies of Wildrye’s band relaxing, including an updated look at little filly Maisey. Pictured left to right: Gigi, Gidget, Lorelye, Maisey, Paige, Wildrye’s head in the back, and Lorena

Looking at Arrowhead’s Band

Hello everyone! Here is a look at a handsome stallion I last shared a while ago. This is 2010 Band Stallion, Arrowhead. He continues to hold a band of eleven, including eight mares and his 3-year-olds Cadet and Dominique. They have had a pretty quiet year so far. He briefly picked up Mare Pepper from…
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Blue Angel and Her Momma Angel

Hello everyone! For this Monday, we will look at the beautiful Mare Blue Angel and her dam, Angel. These two continue to run together in Xander’s band. Something about Blue Angel and her one blue eye is so striking. The day she was born, I had a feeling Angel was going to foal, so I…
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Spring Look at Flax’s Band

Hello everyone! Earlier, we looked at two of Flax’s mares, Amargo and Mae. There was a request for a closer look at Flax, so today, we will look at him and the rest of his gorgeous band. Harmony is changing so fast; the new addition, Bess, seems to fit in nicely, and the big, beautiful…
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Hello everyone! Here is a look at the always adorable Dillinger. He is doing well, getting bigger, and still full of energy. That handsome stallion in the background is his daddy, Remington. Enjoy!