Tag: medora

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Snip’s Gray

Hello everyone. Today, we need to talk about this amazing mare, 23-year-old Snip’s Gray. Until recently, she had been a long-time member of Sidekick’s band. A few things have happened with her over the past month that I would like to share with you today, as you may see her when visiting the park. So…
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Maverick on the Move

Hello everyone! I wanted to share a few photos of 2014 Band Stallion, Maverick, with you tonight. I do not often get a chance to share his band, so this post has a mix of photos of my recent visits with them. The common theme in the photos below is that Maverick is often on…
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A Special Bond

Hello everyone! Tonight, we look at two beautiful mares in Flax’s band, Mae and Amargo. These two have been close since Amargo was very young. Often, you would see Amargo by Mae’s side instead of her mother’s. Their special bond has only grown over the years and has been a blessing to witness firsthand. Enjoy…
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Bonnet and Breeze

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a special treat for today. We have another new foal in the park! This is the beautiful filly Breeze out of Mare Bonnet, currently of Wildrye’s band. The presumed sire is Grady. She is very clever at just a few days old. She ran ahead of her mom several…
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Goofy Brothers

Hello everyone! I apologize for the brief silence on this page. My life got a little crazy, and some other stuff had to come first. I have been in the park the past couple of days playing catch-up. So much is happening this spring. I will do my best to share it with you all.…
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Amite and Bart

Hello everyone! As I mentioned, the young bachelors are out and about causing trouble. They also fight with each other on random occasions. On this particular day, Bart was trying to put the newcomer to the group, Amite, in his place. It did not amount to much, but practice never hurts. Below is a look…
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