Tag: medora

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Spring Look at Flash’s Band

Hello everyone! Tonight, we are going to flip back to Flash’s band. He continues holding his band of mares Crow, Minnie, Almanac, Bear, filly Cricket, and colt Griz. Flash did add to his band recently when he picked up Mare Annabella and her colt Huck from Ollie Jr, but it was short-lived, and they have…
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Stallion Flax

Hello everyone! Tonight, I thought you all might enjoy a look at Flax. His band has moved around a lot over the past year, and sitting with him is more challenging than it used to be. I was lucky to come across his band about a week ago and had a nice, quick visit with…
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A Look at Cricket

Hello everyone! Today, we will look at a beautiful filly I have not shared in a while. Pictured is Cricket, the 2022 filly out of Mare Crow. She continues to run in Flash’s (Urban) band along with Crow, her sister Bear, and nephew Griz. He is often tied to her hip, which is pretty cute.…
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New Bachelor Beau

Hello everyone! Along with the new foals in the park, we have also had some other changes. That includes adding one more bachelor to the mix. Beau, the 2021 colt out of Pretty Girl, is now running with the young bachelors often seen on the park’s east side. He and his mother have been moving…
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Democracy and Dillinger

Hello everyone! Guess what? We have another foal! This is the new colt out of Mare Democracy, and the presumed sire is Remington. He looks a lot like his big sister Willow did last year, and boy, is he a trooper. We got some much-needed rain today, which did not stop him from running and…
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Dolly and Casey

Hello everyone! Tonight, we have another new foal to share with you. This is the newest colt out of Mare Dolly. The presumed sire is Cagney, Dolly’s former band stallion. This colt is likely the first foal sired by stallion Cagney, so we wanted to honor him by using a ‘C’ name. We also want…
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