Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Daddy’s Mini-Me

Hello everyone, and happy Monday! I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Here is a look at the always handsome band stallion Remington to help start off your week. As an added bonus, I have also included an updated look at his filly out of Mare Democracy, the darling Willow. Enjoy, and have a…
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Sign for the Horses

Hello everyone! Today, we have ANOTHER way for you to help support the wild horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We are seeking 1 million signatures to ADD to the support of the Senate Concurrent Resolution 4014 passed by both the House and Senate of North Dakota. By signing this petition, we are expressing our…
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Mother and Son

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great week. Today, I thought you might enjoy seeing a peek at one of the bands I sat with this week. This is the gorgeous 2019 Mare, Anuk, and her 2022 Colt, Kodiak. Both continue to run in Frontier’s band along with Anuk’s brother Flyer, their…
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Paige and Maisey

Hello everyone! We have a surprise to share with all of you today. Mare Paige, currently of Wildrye’s band, has foaled! She gave birth this morning to the beautiful filly you see below. While she is in Wildrye’s band now, the presumed sire is their former stallion, Grady. Please note that we have had late…
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Flash in November

Hello everyone! It has been a busy few days in the park. We had some beautiful weather that has melted most of our recent snow. It was muddy, but overall, wonderful weather for all. I have lots to share, but for now, enjoy this look at Flash and his gorgeous band. Have a great night!

Aspen and Meadow

Hello everyone! It is Friday, and what better way to celebrate than to check in on these two beauties for a #FoalFriday. These are the 2023 foals in Gunner’s band, Aspen and Meadow. Both girls are so fluffy right now in their winter coats and just adorable. Enjoy this look at these two girls, and…
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