Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Stand By Your Man

Hello everyone! Arrowhead had his own interactions with the bachelor boys this summer. As you can see, they left a mark or two. His mares are always there to check on him; on this day, it was Anisak’s turn. Even the birds seemed to be drawn to Arrowhead. His strength and tenderness are two things…
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Beauties in the Breeze

Hello everyone! It is warming up here this weekend, so horses and humans are trying to stay cool. Here is a look at mares Maddie, Penny, Cassie, Paisley, and Dawn resting high on a butte and catching the breeze inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Have a great weekend!


Hello everyone! Here is a look at the beautiful Mare Little Mo and her filly Meadow. One afternoon while spending time with Gunner’s band, Meadow saw me photographing her momma. She walked a little closer and stopped by a nearby bush where she felt safe to watch me. I took so many pictures of her,…
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Alluvium vs Anzar

Hello everyone! As I mentioned before, the bachelor boys have been causing several issues for the band stallions this summer. However, they tend to fight one another from time to time too. On this day, Anzar singled out Alluvium, and the two went head-to-head. Stallion Applewood stood by Anzar for support as he took on…
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Mix-ups With Coal

Hello everyone! Today I have a two-for-one update to share. A lot has happened in Coal’s band over the past two weeks. One afternoon, Coal showed up alone without his band. Cloud, Bokel, and Blazo were in the area but not with Coal. Over the next few days, we saw Amantes try and defend his…
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Patience and Harmony

Hello everyone! It is #foalfriday, and today we have a new foal to share with you. Mare Patience of Flax’s band recently gave birth to a filly named Harmony. This is the first foal for Patience, and she is adorable. Please welcome another wonderful filly to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd!