Tag: wild mustangs

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TRNP Wild Horse Outtakes Part 4

Good morning everyone! In past years, on this day, I have shared a post of photos I found amusing that were taken in the park. The collection consisted of new and old photos that I hoped would bring a smile to your face. I missed last year, but I always enjoy sharing this post with…
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Teton By the River

Hello everyone! Today, I wanted to look closer at Teton and his band. The youngsters in his band have changed quite a bit. Titan was allowed to stay at two years old while his brother Shooter was pushed out and is now running with Cloud. Last year’s foals, Trinity and Monet, are not so little…
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Caught Cuddling

Hello everyone! While sitting with Flash and Maverick’s bands recently, Flash had a moment with the young mare in Maverick’s band, Bluegrass. She was not interested in his advances and was letting him know when this happened. They stopped and stared at me in this position, neither one moving their heads. I am unsure what…
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New Addition in Trooper’s Band

Hello everyone! It was a very hazy day in the park today. It made seeing things in the distance hard, but one thing still stood out with Trooper’s band; he had too many horses. After a large herd of bison moved through and I chatted with a lovely couple from Minnesota, I made my way…
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Amite and Bart

Hello everyone! As I mentioned, the young bachelors are out and about causing trouble. They also fight with each other on random occasions. On this particular day, Bart was trying to put the newcomer to the group, Amite, in his place. It did not amount to much, but practice never hurts. Below is a look…
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Applewood’s Gang

Hello everyone! Today, we will take a look at Applewood and his band. He continues to hold mare Birch and her filly Aspen. Mare Frosty and her colt Cody have also been with the band for several months. They also recently had visits from another former Red Face mare, Pretty Girl, but time will tell…
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