Category: Georgia’s Boy’s Band

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Busy Blue at 25

Hello everyone! Today we are going to take a look at another one of the beautiful older girls. This is Mare Busy Blue, and she is 25 years old this year! She looks great for her age. She is still running in Georgia’s Boy’s band along with Mare Shale, who is 23 this year, and…
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Closer Look at Georgia’s Boy

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a closer look at Georgia’s Boy and his entire band. He has held mares Whiskey, Holly, and Shale for some time. Finn is the 2021 colt out of Shale and Georgia’s Boy. Busy Blue joined the band last year from Coal’s former band and appears comfortable spending her days…
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Georgia’s Boy Update

Hello everyone! Yesterday morning, I checked on Georgia’s Boy and his band. He recently picked up Mare Bee from Casper’s band. She appears to be settling in nicely, and Finn seems happy to have her around. I will share more of the band soon. Until then, I hope you enjoy this look at Shale, Georgia’s…
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TRNP Wild Horse Outtakes Part 4

Good morning everyone! In past years, on this day, I have shared a post of photos I found amusing that were taken in the park. The collection consisted of new and old photos that I hoped would bring a smile to your face. I missed last year, but I always enjoy sharing this post with…
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Sign for the Horses

Hello everyone! Today, we have ANOTHER way for you to help support the wild horses of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We are seeking 1 million signatures to ADD to the support of the Senate Concurrent Resolution 4014 passed by both the House and Senate of North Dakota. By signing this petition, we are expressing our…
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Finding Busy Blue

Hello everyone! While checking on several bands last week, Eileen and I came across Georgia’s Boy. We were pleasantly surprised to see he had an extra band member. Mare Busy Blue, formerly of Coal’s band, was with them. His young colt Finn seemed thrilled with her joining the family and was attached to her, literally…
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