Category: Half Moon’s Band

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Family Photo

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to share a photo I took a few weeks back when I hiked out to see Half Moon’s band and the new baby, Phoebe. If you missed the post, be sure to scroll back and see the adorable new filly in his band. Several of the mares spotted me hiking…
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Hello everyone! This week I went to the park early one morning hoping to find Half Moon and his band. I hadn’t spent time with them in a while and now they had a new baby. Mare Freckles had a filly on August 24th. They move around a lot so I knew I would have…
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Blue-Eyed Sisters

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a great week so far. Here is a look at the two blue-eyed beauties of Half Moon’s band, 2018 Filly, Blue Moon and her older sister 2017 Filly, Elsa. Their mother is Mare Nordie and the sire of both girls is Guardian. Elsa has two blue eyes…
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