Category: Sidekick’s Band

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Party Crasher at the Waterhole

After the horses reached the water hole the other night, we were able to enjoy time with several different bands. One horse, in particular, was the only one to roll in the tiny hole and still managed to completely cover himself in the mud. The first photo shows several of the horses as they gathered…
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Voyage and Lyle

Hello everyone! Here is a recent look at one of the foals born in the fall of 2018, Maiden’s Voyage of Sidekick’s band. He is out of Mare Maiden and as you can see, he looks a lot like his mother. He and his older brother, Lyle, have done well this winter. They still take…
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In Memory of Cowboy Lyle

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Grace’s little brother, Lyle. Many of you know he was named after our dear friend, Cowboy Lyle, who passed away earlier this year. He loved the horses, took beautiful photos, and always took time to stop and say hello, whether he knew you or not. Colt Lyle…
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The Escapades of Grace

Hello everyone! This past week, Grace, out of Bella x Sidekick, kept going back and forth between Mystery and Sidekick. Tuesday she was with Sidekick. Then on Thursday when I went out she was gone and I believe with Mystery. When I went back out Friday morning I found her back with Sidekick. Going back…
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Maiden’s Voyage Update

Hello everyone! Spending so much time this past week observing the Sidekick and Bella situation gave me a chance to also spend time with this adorable colt. This is the 2018 colt out of Maiden x Sidekick that you all named Maiden’s Voyage. He is just too cute! One good thing about Bella and Lyle…
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Maiden’s Voyage

Hello everyone! We had another new foal born in the park this week. This time it is a colt out of Mare Maiden and the presumed sire is Sidekick. Maiden has not foaled since 2016 when she had a colt named Mississippi. He is no longer in the park as he was adopted that same…
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