Category: Teton’s Band

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Ruby and Bonanza

Hello everyone! We have another new foal in Teton’s band. Mare Ruby gave birth to a beautiful colt this week. The park has named him Bonanza. The band has been seen close to the road a lot since he was born so be sure to keep an eye out for them and this new little…
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Teton’s Little Girls

Hello everyone! I will continue with the Sidekick foals soon but first I want to give you a look at Teton’s foals. His girls are changing fast too. Two of them, Bee and Shayna (Belt) look so similar right now especially, from the side. Below are a few photos of all three girls from a…
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Fun Friday

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice week. I came across several photos I wanted to share so I decided to put a few together today for a ‘Friday Fun Day’ post instead of focusing on just one band. I will write under each photo so be sure to scroll through. Have a…
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A Quick Visit With Teton

Hello everyone! I was able to spend about five minutes photographing Teton’s band yesterday. Then he irritated Goblin and Shay causing the entire band to run off. Since I cannot follow them right now, that was the end of that visit. However, I was able to see Goblin’s new filly and get a few photos…
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Shay’s New Addition

Hello everyone! Before posting more on the bands I saw recently, I wanted to share a new addition to the herd. Mare Shay of Teton’s band has foaled and guess what? It’s another girl! We now have 14 fillies running around Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I took my daughter out to see her yesterday and…
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A Closer Look at Teton’s Band

Hello everyone! Today, I thought I would share with you all a look at the rest of Teton’s band. He currently holds a band of nine counting his newest addition out of Indian Paintbrush. He has three foals from last year who have grown quite a bit over the winter. I spent some time with…
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