Teton’s Little Girls

Hello everyone! I will continue with the Sidekick foals soon but first I want to give you a look at Teton’s foals. His girls are changing fast too. Two of them, Bee and Shayna (Belt) look so similar right now especially, from the side. Below are a few photos of all three girls from a recent visit with the band. Thanks, and enjoy!

2020 Filly, Berkleigh (Berk) out of Goblin – She will be 3 months old on the 20th.

2020 Filly, Shayna (Belt) out of Shay – She will be 3 months old in a few days.

2020 Filly, Bee out of Indian Paintbrush – She is now 3 months old.

2020 Fillies, Bee (on the left) and Shayna

Berkleigh and Bee in April

Shay and Shayna in April
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