Category: Wild Horses of TRNP

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A Look Back at Winter

Hello everyone! With winter coming to an end, I thought I would share a few snow/winter photos I did not have the chance to post over the past three months. I included a few other park animals as well. Enjoy and have a nice weekend!

Remembering Aqua

We lost a beautiful young horse this week. Aqua, the 2019 filly out of Mare Sapphire by Ollie Jr. was found deceased on Friday. She passed away suddenly and her cause of death is unknown. As much as we would love to know all the answers, sometimes things happen in the Park that we don’t…
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A Few Spring Updates

Good Morning everyone! We have had a few changes in the Park lately. I occasionally will wait for some time to pass before sharing on this page to see if it will stick. As I mentioned before in a previous post, there have been some changes in Arrowhead’s band. Those changes are related to some…
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Remembering the Ones We Lost

Hello everyone. While we have been blessed with several wonderful foals this week I do have to report that unfortunately, we have also lost two. I know this happens at least once each year but it is never easy. I came across the first foal yesterday while out checking horses. He was a colt with…
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Fun Friday Part 24

Good morning everyone! It is time once again for ‘Fun Friday!’ Today I have a mix of horses, elk, and a golden eagle that call the Park home. I also included one more photo of Flax and his band from their day with the bison. I had a lot of questions about who was who…
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Updates From the Park

Hello everyone! Tonight I have a few updates for you. Oftentimes I get behind when changes happen and do not get around to sharing them all right away so here are a few things that have occurred lately in the Park. •As many of you may already know, Trooper stole the remaining girls from Maverick…
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