Tag: north dakota

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Flax and Mae

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to give you a little more history on Stallion Flax and his very first mare, Mae. These two found one another in the spring of 2015. Flax was a young bachelor and was out looking for his first mare. Mae had recently been pushed out of her natal band by…
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Family Photo

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to share a photo I took a few weeks back when I hiked out to see Half Moon’s band and the new baby, Phoebe. If you missed the post, be sure to scroll back and see the adorable new filly in his band. Several of the mares spotted me hiking…
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Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying the rest of your weekend. As promised, here is a closer look at the rest of Wildrye’s band. The two youngest mares in his band are 2014 Mare, Paige out of Rosie by Gary and 2014 Mare, Lorena out of Nordie by Little Sorrel. Wildrye gained both…
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Circus and Volt

Happy Friday everyone! I was out in the park bright and early this morning and managed to locate Circus. He was, in fact, only with 2016 Colt Volt as reported to us after my post on Cloud yesterday. It appears he only had Whiskey for a short time before losing her back to Georgia’s Boy.…
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Cloud’s New Girls

Hello everyone! Some of you may have seen a post I did last week on Wild in North Dakota about Georgia’s Boy and his band. Well, a lot can change in a week. Cloud has taken two of Georgia’s Boy’s mares, Holly and Boo. I am not sure when he got them but I have…
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Jasper and Hermes

Hello everyone! I was able to spend some time with Wildrye and his band recently. The two colts in their band have changed a lot this summer. Trouble’s Girl’s colt, study name Hermes, is now just under 3 months old. Little Gray’s colt, who you all named Jasper, is almost 2 months old. Below are…
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