Tag: stallions

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Frontier vs. Alluvium

Hello everyone! You may remember two months back when I shared that Applewood was no longer with Alluvium but had been running with Guardian for a month. Soon after, Applewood left Guardian and joined Brutus and Alluvium finally showed himself again. He has been seen in several different areas of the Park and, on this…
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Young Love in Flash’s Band

Hello everyone! Here is one more look at Flash and who I would say is his favorite girl, Almanac. These two look pretty good together

The Beautiful Band of Copper’s

Hello everyone! I realized I haven’t shared this handsome stallion and his band lately. This is 2002 Band Stallion, Copper with the majority of his band. I missed grabbing a photo of Mare Juniper. Everyone is doing well this summer. Belle is becoming a beautiful young filly and new 2021 Colt, Black Hawk is changing…
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A Family’s Love and Protection

Hello everyone. Today I wanted to share another story from the day Chance was born. As if seeing his birth wasn’t enough for one day, I also witnessed a tension filled few minutes soon after. He hadn’t gotten up to take his first steps yet when Arrowhead’s band moved into the area. Arrowhead didn’t seem…
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Satellite and Applewood

Hello everyone! As several of you may know, Stallion Satellite was located last week. He has taken quite the beating from his fight with Flash but he is getting around the Park just fine. I had the chance to sit with him yesterday afternoon. Honestly, I was just so happy to see him that I…
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Updates From the Park

Hello everyone! Tonight I have a few updates for you. Oftentimes I get behind when changes happen and do not get around to sharing them all right away so here are a few things that have occurred lately in the Park. •As many of you may already know, Trooper stole the remaining girls from Maverick…
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