Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Fun Friday Part 26

Hello everyone! I apologize for being so quiet this week. Sometimes life just gets a little crazy. Today I have some more photos for “Fun Friday” to share with you. This week is a mix of wildlife inside the Park. Enjoy, and have a wonderful weekend!

Sunrise With Teton

Hello everyone! Here is a look at Teton’s band to start off your week. I was lucky to catch them one morning with a beautiful sky. Enjoy, and have a great week!

Beautiful Girls on a Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone from some of the lovely ladies of Xander’s band – Winter, Angel, Blue Angel and Misty Blue. Stay cool wherever you may be today!

Dolly and Summer

Hello everyone! We have another new foal in the Park! This cutie is the new filly Summer out of Mare Dolly of Flax’s band. We have mares named Winter and Autumn in the Park, but not one named Summer. Mare Autumn just so happens to be her auntie, too, as she is Dolly’s sister. Adding…
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A Look at Casper

Hello everyone! As I was going through photos over the weekend, I realized I have several images of Casper taken over the past few months that I have not gotten around to sharing. He has been photographed by many Park visitors this summer, and I cannot blame them; he is very photogenic! He continues to…
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Wildrye and His Former Band

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a look at Wildrye and his (former) band from the other day. I hope to get eyes on all of them again in the coming days. Time will tell how this all plays out. I will continue to keep you updated as I know more. Thanks, and have a…
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