Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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A Look at Mare Holly

Hello everyone! The beautiful mare below is getting her own post today because of this photo. This is Mare Holly of Georgia’s Boy’s band. You may remember she had the first foal of 2021, Noelle. While I was with the band this week, Holly kept looking into the trees to her left. Every time she…
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Starting the Year With Circus

Hello everyone, and welcome to 2022! What better first post of the year than the oldest stallion in the Park, Circus! I had the privilege of spending the morning with him today. He has some good weight for the winter and looks excellent for turning 22 this year. I took a ton of photos and…
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Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year, everyone! It is hard to believe another year has passed. Thank you again for your support this past year. I wish all the best for all of you in the coming year. Have a safe and fun holiday, and I will see you all in 2022! Pictured below are two more 2021…
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Red Face’s Band Before Winter

Hello everyone! Today, we will look at the rest of Red Face’s band. He has some beautiful mares in his band. They are a tight-knit group that has been together for many years. I will write more information under each photo, so be sure to scroll through. Enjoy and have a wonderful week!

Winter Look at Cody

Hello everyone! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday weekend. Thank you all so much for your Christmas wishes and kind words Today I have a look at Cody out of mare Frosty for you. He has grown quite a bit and will be 8 months old tomorrow! He is a good companion…
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Merry Christmas 2021!

Merry Christmas from Theodore Roosevelt National Park! Thank you for your continued love and support of the horses and those of us who share them. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday with family and friends. Pictured: My favorite winter photo from this past year featuring 2020 Filly, Blue Angel of Xander’s band.