Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Teton On the Run

Hello everyone! Several stallions have been giving Teton a hard time lately. I will share photos of one of those encounters with you soon. Until then, enjoy this look at the gorgeous Teton defending his band!  

Brothers Meet By Chance

Hello everyone! Here is a look at what Flax and his boys were so interested in the other day…none other than, Banty! Who also happens to be Flax’s little half-brother. They are both Red Face babies. Banty is always looking for trouble, and on this day, he took an interest in Flax. It didn’t last…
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My Two Sons

“My Two Sons” – Here is a look at Flax and his two sons, Anzar and Bokel out of Mare Dolly. When I took this photo I was awe-struck by how handsome all three of them look side by side. What do you think they are looking at…? That is a post for another day.…
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The Saga of Trooper and Maverick

Hello everyone! Today I will get back to the ongoing saga between Stallions Maverick and Trooper but will first give you a brief history of these two. In the fall of 2020, Trooper surprised everyone by stealing the lead mare from Maverick’s band, Maddie. During the winter of 2021, Trooper would take a few mares…
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Summer Look at Boomer and Amite

Hello everyone! Many of you have been asking for recent photos of this little guy. As promised, here is an updated look at Boomer. I took a blind hike to look for him and his brother Amite the other day and got lucky. However, it started to rain as soon as I reached the band,…
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Updated Look at Poppy and Patches

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Mare Patches and her 2021 Filly, Poppy out of Stallion Maverick. To give you a little more history on Patches, she is the 2016 Filly out of Mare Pukin by Stallion Half Moon. She was separated from her family band in May of 2018 and picked up…
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