Tag: wild horses

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A Look at Bayou

Good evening everyone! This little cutie is Bayou out of Mare River. She is another one of Sidekick’s beautiful little girls. She’s 3 weeks old now and growing fast. I can’t wait to see her and her sisters cause all kinds of trouble together this summer. Enjoy and stay safe everyone <3

Misty Blue – A Born Leader

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you have had a great week as best as you can. Today I wanted to share a story with you all about this little firecracker, Misty Blue (Bannock), out of Mist. She was very little when she was first born but has grown quite a bit in the last month.…
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Shay’s New Addition

Hello everyone! Before posting more on the bands I saw recently, I wanted to share a new addition to the herd. Mare Shay of Teton’s band has foaled and guess what? It’s another girl! We now have 14 fillies running around Theodore Roosevelt National Park. I took my daughter out to see her yesterday and…
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Half Moon and His Band

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a look at the rest of Half Moon’s band. He currently holds a band of 6 mares, his 2019 colt out of Rosie, and now his newest filly out of Punkin. Since I last posted on Half Moon’s band this winter, he has continued to do his best to…
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Bella’s New Filly

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the newest foal in Sidekick’s band. She is a beautiful filly out of Mare Bella and the presumed sire is Sidekick. She makes three little girls for the band so far. Watching these three together will be so much fun! Her older sisters, out of River and Mist,…
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A New Foal For Punkin

Hello everyone! I had a wonderful day hiking in the park yesterday. Babies were running around, bachelors were causing trouble, and several mares look like they could foal very soon. I have lots of photos to share but first I want to start with this pretty little girl in Half Moon’s band. I was very…
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