Tag: wild horses

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A Welcomed Surprise

Hello everyone! I found a surprise today so I had to share it with all of you before I called it a night. After going for an afternoon hike, I was headed for my car and was ready to leave the park when I saw Frontier’s band. They were grazing across the street from where…
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Copper’s Tender Heart

Hello everyone! Today, I wanted to give you a look at how things are going as Copper works to maintain both his and Mystery’s former band. It will take time for Mystery’s mares to adjust to the new arrangement but for now, at least their family is still together. The two bands oftentimes stand apart…
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Remembering Our Beloved Mystery

Hello everyone. I want to start today by thanking you all for the loving comments you wrote on Facebook regarding the late stallion Mystery. Many of you only know him from stories and photos shared on social media but I know you mourn his loss as much as any of us who knew him. I…
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Finding Mystery

Hello everyone… As I stated earlier this week, there have been some changes with a couple of the bands. Copper has been in control of Mystery’s band for several days and Mystery hasn’t been seen. Eileen and I set out today to look for him and it is with a heavy heart that I have…
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Trouble’s Girl and Blazo

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend. I had a wonderful time in the park yesterday spending time with ten bands and my favorite hiking buddy! There has been a lot going on with two bands but before I share on that I would like to try and figure out a…
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A Flashy New Colt For Strawberry

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Strawberry and Thunder’s new colt. He was running around quite a bit when I sat with the band and appears to be doing well. He is a stunning colt and we are blessed to have both him and his beautiful 20-year-old mother in our TRNP herd. I…
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