Category: Half Moon’s Band

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The Magnificent Half Moon

Hello everyone! Today, I have for you a look at the stunning band stallion, Half Moon. There is a story to go with this image but I thought I would save that for a different day and let Half Moon have the spotlight today. There is something about him and a snowy background that just…
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RIP Nordie

Hello everyone! I wanted to give you a quick update on my day in the park yesterday. After hiking to one band, I decided to go a little further to check another group. Honestly, I didn’t want to hike further but this is where how everything happens for a reason out here comes into play.…
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A Lucky Find

Hello everyone! Last Saturday it was near 50 degrees so I decided to go looking for Half Moon. I couldn’t get eyes on them from the road so I decided to hike out to the last spot I had seen him. I got about a mile out and was so hot I had to stop…
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A Father’s Love – Half Moon and Aloe

Hello everyone! Here is a look at Half Moon and his colt, Aloe. When a group of bison moved into the area this day, Aloe walked over to be closer to Half Moon. Rather than move him away, Half Moon leaned in and gently sniffed his son. I love seeing stallions in the park spend…
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Rosie and Aloe

Hello everyone! Here is a look at the adorable new colt out of Mare Rosie. The presumed sire is Half Moon. The park has given him the name Aloe after a lake in Montana. He is such a little cutie! He is so fun to watch especially since he is constantly running laps around Rosie.…
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A Quick Trip to Half Moon

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. On Friday, my friend and I decided to hike to a different spot in the hopes of finding some horses. We took a chance and it paid off! We came across Half Moon and his band. It gave me a chance to see if he…
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