RIP Nordie

Hello everyone! I wanted to give you a quick update on my day in the park yesterday. After hiking to one band, I decided to go a little further to check another group. Honestly, I didn’t want to hike further but this is where how everything happens for a reason out here comes into play. I came to an area where the horses spent a lot of time last winter. The horses were just over a hill so rather than walk around I decided to cut through an opening and go over the top. I came across a large bone and stopped to look. Most of the time when we find a bone it’s a bison that has passed away. When I turned to look around for more bones I found a horse skull. Then I found more bones. Based on the condition of the other remains it had to have been a horse that died in the past year. Older bones tend to be bleached white by the sun and are clean. These were not. While trying to think who this could be it hit me where I was standing. This was also one of the last places I had seen Nordie before she disappeared. Half Moon’s band, who she was a part of, was in this area several times the week before she went missing. Her body and Lacey’s are the only ones that had not been found from this past year. Lacey lived on the opposite side of the park and would not be in this location. I shared what I found with several other people who track the horses and based on the location and the condition of the remains we all agreed this had to be Nordie. After I shared her in the New Year’s post some of you had asked what had happened to her. The only information I could share was that she had disappeared. While it’s been too long for the remains to give us any answers as to what happened, it does give us closure. We knew she was deceased but she is no longer a horse that is out there somewhere. She has a final resting place that is now known and can be respected as such. Something told me to go that way even though I really wanted to turn back. Always listen to your gut. I am so glad that I did. RIP Nordie <3