Cricket and Millie

Hello everyone! Today I have for you a look at the two adorable fillies in Flash’s band, Cricket and Millie. It took some work finding them after the storms, but they both made it through just fine and are doing well. They are already trying to play with one another when their dams are not looking, so it will be fun to see them cause some trouble this summer.
With checking horses before the storm, going out and rechecking them after the storms, and everything else that has been going on, I have not had the chance to share one more thing concerning this band. On April 5th, Mare Almanac gave birth to a filly who looked very similar to her sire, Flash. Two days later, I hiked out to find the band and document the foal. Some bison were in the area and moved because of me, so the band also moved. This gave me a better look at the entire band and I could see she was not with Almanac.
For the next 3-4 hours, a friend and I searched the area for any sign of the foal, but unfortunately, we did not find her. In the following days, we saw the band several times and it was apparent that she was gone. We do not always have the answers to why things happen in the Park, but I am grateful she was seen so she can always be remembered. 

Crow, Cricket, Minnie, and Millie

2022 Filly, Millie (Minnie x Flash)

Millie and Cricket
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