Frontier’s Band in the New Year

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Frontier’s Band in the New Year

Hello everyone! Today I have a look at the rest of Frontier’s band for you. I photographed them from my car as they broke the ice next to the road to get to water. We have since gotten a good amount of snow, so water is not currently an issue. Patience was running down to the river, so I only got the back of her. They all look well for coming out of winter and could possibly add to the band this year, but time will tell. Below are a few photos of the band from my quick visit with them. Enjoy!

2020 Filly, Bluff (Firefly x Frontier)

2021 Colt, Flyer (Firefly x Frontier) – Patience is walking to the river in the background.

2007 Mare, Firefly

2019 Filly, Anuk (Firefly x Frontier)

Flyer being told to move by Mare Smokie 😉

I took a ton of photos of Bluff so here is one more. She is so cute ❤

2012 Band Stallion, Frontier