Summer Look at Boomer and Amite

Hello everyone! Many of you have been asking for recent photos of this little guy. As promised, here is an updated look at Boomer. I took a blind hike to look for him and his brother Amite the other day and got lucky. However, it started to rain as soon as I reached the band, and they began to walk off. I thought I would have to share only rain photos with you all today, so I used my rain jacket to cover my camera started clicking! Luckily, the rain stopped about five minutes later. The band stopped, too, so I was able to grab a few more photos. As you can see, neither of the boys appears to have grown much over the last few months, but they are hanging in there. Both boys could use some weight, so we will have to see how the summer treats them now that the Park is greener. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

2019 Colt, Amite out of Strawberry and Thunder

2020 Colt, Boomer out of Strawberry and Thunder – Still wet from the rain.

Boomer and his older brother Amite
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