Tag: mustangs

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Copper Penny and Poseidon

Hello everyone! With the warm weather on Thursday and Friday, I was in the park attempting to locate as many bands as possible. Boy did I have a productive couple of days! I was able to locate 12 bands, including Ranger, Wildrye, and Brutus. As well as, four of the bachelor boys. I couldn’t have…
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Horse Spotlight – Mares Lightning and Crow

Hello everyone! With the new foal I got behind on featuring horses from the herd. So back to it! Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 will be a two-for-one of the mother/daughter duo, 1998 Mare, Lightning and 2007 Mare, Crow. Both mares are currently running in Satellite’s band. Crow is Lightning’s daughter by the late stallion, Singlefoot. Both…
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Shaking Off the Cold

Hello everyone! Despite the snow today, I decided to head to the park and check on a few of the horses. In the last couple of days, the horses had moved from the easy to reach spot to one a little more difficult two miles away. I could see Red Face down below so I…
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Horse Spotlight – Mare Sundance

Hello everyone! Today I would like to feature another horse from the TRNP herd. If you missed Daisy’s spotlight, be sure to scroll back and take a look. Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟is 2005 Mare, Sundance! She is currently running in Mystery’s band. Her dam, Shale, is in Cloud’s band. Her only offspring in the park is…
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Horse Spotlight – Mare Daisy

Hello everyone! I am finally getting around to starting a project I would like to do on this page during the winter season. We usually don’t see a lot of changes or updates during the winter months so I thought I would do something different to add to my weekly posts. Each week, I would…
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A Visit to the Old Stomping Grounds

Happy Saturday everyone! I recently spent some time with Teton and his band. He was back in one of the old spots near Ridgeline he and the band used to call home. When Teton first became a band stallion, he acquired a large number of mares. So we would often see him rotate the band…
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