Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Update on Ranger’s Band

Hello everyone! I came across Ranger and his band last week while out in the park. Luckily, I was able to get a better look at Mare Twister. She injured her front leg in October while fighting off Wildrye. I’ve been taking video of her each time I see the band to look for any…
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Wildrye in Winter

Hello everyone! Despite the bad weather today, I made an attempt to go and check on the horses. I only was able to locate Teton, Arrowhead, Wildrye, and Remington but that is better than nothing! It was -4 with the real feel being -24, so hiking was not an option. Once it’s safe to hike,…
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Copper Penny and Poseidon

Hello everyone! With the warm weather on Thursday and Friday, I was in the park attempting to locate as many bands as possible. Boy did I have a productive couple of days! I was able to locate 12 bands, including Ranger, Wildrye, and Brutus. As well as, four of the bachelor boys. I couldn’t have…
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Horse Spotlight – Mares Lightning and Crow

Hello everyone! With the new foal I got behind on featuring horses from the herd. So back to it! Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 will be a two-for-one of the mother/daughter duo, 1998 Mare, Lightning and 2007 Mare, Crow. Both mares are currently running in Satellite’s band. Crow is Lightning’s daughter by the late stallion, Singlefoot. Both…
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Shaking Off the Cold

Hello everyone! Despite the snow today, I decided to head to the park and check on a few of the horses. In the last couple of days, the horses had moved from the easy to reach spot to one a little more difficult two miles away. I could see Red Face down below so I…
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Horse Spotlight – Mare Copper Penny

Hello everyone! I hope you all are enjoying your weekend. I went out today to check on the new foal but was unable to locate the band. It was cold and foggy again and I could only hike around for so long before risking my own safety. The band has been out of sight for…
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