Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Half Moon’s Spa Day

Hello everyone! While with Half Moon and his band last week, I thought I would try and get some new photos of him. Well, I must have taken too long with the others because this happened when I was about to walk over to photograph him. At first, I thought I could just photograph him…
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Look at that Mane

Hello everyone! This past week I spent some time with Mare Raven’s Myst and her new filly, Black Beauty. This photo cracked me up and I thought it was perfect for the weekend. Enjoy!

Red Face at 21

Any day in Theodore Roosevelt National Park is great when you come home with new photos of the 2001 Band Stallion, Red Face! Looking pretty good for 21

Anisak’s New Band

Hello everyone! A couple of weeks ago, I came across Arrowhead and his band with a new member. He had recently picked up Mare Anisak from Gunner’s band. While I was there, Mare Justice was unhappy with the change and pushed Anisak away several times. Her colt Cadet, however, was thrilled with the new addition!…
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Bee and Honey

Hello everyone! Surprise, we have another foal! This beautiful blue-eyed filly named Honey is out of Mare Bee. She is a maiden mare but also has her family to help with her new foal. Her dam, Indian Paintbrush, is in the band along with her yearling sister, Tess. Help us welcome this beauty to the…
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Democracy and Patriot

Hello everyone! What would make a great day? Another foal! We have a new colt named Patriot out of Mare Democracy of Remington’s band. Help us welcome another addition to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd. <3