Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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A Look Back at Winter

Hello everyone! With winter coming to an end, I thought I would share a few snow/winter photos I did not have the chance to post over the past three months. I included a few other park animals as well. Enjoy and have a nice weekend!

Copper’s Band as Winter Ends

Hello everyone! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend. Below are some recent photos of Copper and his band to help end it on a high note. Enjoy and have a great evening!

Checking On New Foal Titan

Hello everyone! It is #FoalFriday, so who better to share than our newest foal in the Park, Titan! Earlier this week, I found the band near the loop road. I sat in my car and watched them for well over an hour. The snow from the weekend was still on the ground when I arrived,…
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Flash’s Band in the New Year

Hello everyone! As promised, here is a look at Flash and the rest of his band. Things are a lot calmer this year than last and the girls are doing well with Flash. Below are a few photos of the band. Enjoy and have a great night!

Lightning and Crow

Hello everyone! Below is a look at two amazing mares in Flash’s band. Mare Lightning (left) is currently the oldest mare and horse inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Crow is her 2007 filly out of the late stallion, Singlefoot. I will have more on these lovely ladies and the rest of Flash’s band soon. Enjoy…
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Teepee and Titan

Hello everyone! We are happy to announce that we have a new foal inside Theodore Roosevelt National Park! Mare Teepee, of Teton’s band, has foaled. Despite the cold, we are happy that mom and foal appear to be doing well so far, and the weather will be a great deal warmer in a few days.…
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