Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Boomer in the New Year

Hello everyone! I was asked to try and share Boomer this week as it has been a while since I have posted on him. He is doing well and continues to walk with his brother Amite and their family band. The photos below were taken at various times since the beginning of the year. Enjoy,…
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Elk Along the Little Mo

Hello everyone! Last weekend I came across two elk headed to the river. It is such a joy to see them inside the Park. It is especially nice when they are close enough to photograph. Enjoy!

Guardian’s Little Crew

Hello everyone! Today we are getting back to Guardian and taking a closer look at his Mare Antice, and bachelors Bart and Applewood. Guardian is a good guy for letting the two young boys tag along. Time will tell how long it lasts. Enjoy and have a great week!

New Band in Town

Hello everyone! A little over a month ago, I was at Buck Hill when I heard a noise coming from behind me. I turned to see Stallion Alluvium running down the side of the hill towards the road. He was alone and appeared to be looking for his buddy Applewood. He took off down the…
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Flax’s New Girls

Hello everyone! We are looking at Flax’s band again today and the two other additions from Maverick’s band. Mare Skipper and her 2019 Colt, Arey, joined the band at the same time as Aurora and Bluegrass. These two keep to themselves, and I have not really seen them interact much with Flax. I find it…
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Happy Valentine’s Day 2022

Hello everyone, and Happy Valentine’s Day! Today we will look at Flax and two of the members he added from Maverick’s band in December. First up is Aurora and her coming two-year-old, Bluegrass. They have been with Flax for roughly two months and seem to be adjusting to the change. As you can see in…
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