Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Shale and Her New Colt Finnegan

Hello everyone! As promised, here is the second surprise from yesterday. Another beautiful colt joined the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd. This time the proud mother is Mare Shale and the presumed sire is Georgia’s Boy. Shale has not foaled since 2014 when she had Casper. Her new colt appears to be doing well and…
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Pretty Girl’s New Colt Beau

Hello everyone! I came across a little surprise today when I was in the Park so I have one more post for you tonight. This little guy is the new colt out of Mare Pretty Girl and the presumed sire is Red Face. I have been keeping a close eye on her this past week…
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Belle and Banty

Good morning everyone! The week before Banty got separated from his band, I had hiked out and spent the afternoon with both Red Face and Copper’s bands. While I was there, Banty, as he oftentimes does, stirred up some trouble. This time, however, he picked on a filly that was willing to fight back. He…
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Changes in Satellite’s Band

Hello everyone! A few things happened at the Park today that I wanted to share with you. After a short time away from his family, little Banty is now back with Red Face’s band! He was with everyone this afternoon like he had never left. The first photo of Banty and Red Face is why…
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Fun Friday Part 24

Good morning everyone! It is time once again for ‘Fun Friday!’ Today I have a mix of horses, elk, and a golden eagle that call the Park home. I also included one more photo of Flax and his band from their day with the bison. I had a lot of questions about who was who…
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Sweet Little Noelle

Hello everyone! With the updates last week I missed one little cutie. Here are a few recent photos of our first foal of the year, Noelle. She is growing so fast! I hope you all had a great weekend and I will have more photos from the past few weeks for you soon. Until then…
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