Tag: theodore roosevelt national park

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Goodbye to 2020 and Happy New Year!

Hello everyone and Happy New Year! As I was thinking about this post on my way home from the Park today the words of many of you kept popping into my head. So many times this year I had followers of this page reach out and tell me that a post or photo I shared…
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A Brief History on Arrowhead

Good afternoon everyone! As promised, here is a look at the rest of Arrowhead’s band. If you missed yesterday’s post featuring an updated look at his foals, be sure to scroll back. For those new to the page, I thought you might like a brief history of how Arrowhead gained his band. In the winter…
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Horses, Helicopters, and Bison

Hello everyone! As I mentioned just before Christmas, the day I hiked out to Red Face did not go as planned. After I reached the band that afternoon, I decided to explore the area a little. I was admiring some huge petrified trees I had found when the band walked off. Luckily I saw Red…
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A December Day With Little Mo

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday this week. After my Christmas post, several of you asked about Little Mo so today I have some recent photos of her to share with all of you. She is looking really good these days and seems to grow a tiny bit each time I…
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Merry Christmas 2020!

Hello everyone and Merry Christmas from Medora, ND! This year we haven’t received much snow so I have no winter wonderland photo to share with you today. However, I decided this photo might be the perfect Christmas gift for you instead. This is Boomer from this past week and unless I am seeing things, it…
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The Amazing Wild Stallion Red Face

Hello everyone! Today was a beautiful day in the Park which means I spent most of my time out hiking. I was able to see several different bands and while I had planned a simple hike, it did turn out to be a very long and crazy day. I will share more photos from today…
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