Tag: wild and free

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Lorena and Her First Foal

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at Mare Lorena’s new filly by Wildrye. The public has chosen to call her Lorelye after her dam and sire. This is the first foal for Lorena and I have to say she is doing an outstanding job. Over the years, she has helped look after the foals…
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Belle Plays With Arrowhead

Hello everyone! I wanted to share this series of photos with you today to give you a glimpse at the personality of Faith’s filly, Belle. She reminds me a lot of her sisters that came before her and just as fun to watch. On this afternoon, she saw stallion Arrowhead, who is not her sire,…
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Two More Fillies For TRNP

Hello everyone! Two new fillies have joined the Theodore Roosevelt National Park family. Mare River of Sidekick’s band and Mare Crow of Satellite’s band both foaled this past week. Both of the fillies appear to be doing well and are already keeping their moms on their toes. Please help us welcome these two darlings to…
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A New Filly For Eagle and Mystery

Hello everyone! Here is a closer look at the new filly out of Mare Eagle. Her presumed sire is Mystery. She is beautiful and looks so much like her mother! I spent a fun afternoon with her and her big sister, Raven’s Myst, this week. She sure was determined to get the new filly to…
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Two New Foals in Copper’s Band

Hello everyone! I spent a wonderful day in the park yesterday and saw a lot of babies. I have a ton of photos to share with you but today will start with Copper. Many of you know, his mare Faith had a filly on the 15th. I had not had the chance to see her…
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A New Filly For Mist

Hello everyone! It was another exciting day in the park. Mare Mist, of Sidekick’s band, has a new filly! I stopped to photograph Thunder’s band, who was resting near Sidekick, on my hike out and while I was there a little baby popped up in front of Mist. What a great surprise! Mist has not…
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