Dolly and Flax’s Second Colt

Hello everyone! Yesterday morning I came across a wonderful surprise in Flax’s band. I know many of you have been waiting for this particular foal to arrive and here he is, the new colt out of Dolly! He is a darling little guy who looks a lot like his big brother Anzar did when he was born. He had a rough morning yesterday when he slipped and got stuck in a wash but luckily he has an amazing mother who helped guide him out. He was wet and covered in mud but otherwise appeared to be alright. I saw him again today and he was much cleaner and running around testing out those new legs. Help us welcome another colt to the Theodore Roosevelt National Park herd and a great addition to Flax’s band.

2006 Mare, Dolly and her 2020 Colt x Flax

Dolly and her 2020 Colt testing out those legs.

Proud dad – 2011 Band Stallion, Flax
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