Horse Spotlight – Mare Taylor

Hello everyone! It is time to feature another horse from this herd.
Today’s 🌟Horse Spotlight🌟 is 2014 Mare, Taylor. She is out of 2005 Mare, Spotted Blue by 2002 Stallion, Copper. Taylor and her dam, Spotted Blue, have been running in Thunder’s band for several years. Taylor had her first surviving foal in 2017, a filly by Stallion Thunder. She was adopted out of the park in 2018. Taylor can often times be found near her dam or off by herself. She is one of the flashiest mares in the park but unlike other mares her age, she appears to prefer to live a quiet life inside the park. You won’t see her running off to other bands or socializing with other stallions. The fact that she has been settled with a stallion who isn’t her sire for most of her life may play a large part in that. Below are a few photos of Taylor over the past few years. I included a few photos of her and her filly as well. Enjoy and thanks, everyone!

2014 Mare, Taylor – Spotted Blue x Copper

Spotted Blue and Taylor as they came out of winter in 2015. Taylor was a yearling.

2014 Mare, Taylor in the spring of 2016, age 2.

Taylor and her 2017 filly on the day she was born.

Although Taylor is hidden somewhat in this photo I wanted to share this with you. This is her with Thunder Rose in 2015. Both girls are yearlings but look at the height difference! These girls are also cousins. Pale Lady, Thunder Rose’s dam, is Copper’s sister.

Thunder, Taylor, and their filly.

Taylor and her 2017 filly the day before she was pulled for adoption.

2014 Mare, Taylor – now 5 years old.